Rya is no longer in therapy. Her head is looking great. She can move from side to side. The therapist said it was keeping her from sitting up and rolling over. Now that she is perfect hopefully she will now be able to roll and sit. I was looking in Hannah baby book. When she was 5 months old she was rolling over both ways, sitting up and she got her first tooth. Rya is doing none of those. She is teething. We will see if a tooth comes soon.
My mother-in-law watched my girls two weeks ago. It was so great because she got Rya to sleep on her stomach. Rya now sleeps amazing. She goes down great and I am getting more sleep at night. Thank you Sue. She knows what she is doing. She had 8 kids.
Blair applied for a service manager job last week. We will find out this week if he gets it. We are really praying he does. It would be great to finally see a close to his second job.
Blair and I are hoping to be taking a trip with his brothers family. We are hoping to go to Hawaii. We love being with his brothers family. They have two BEAUTIFUL girls. The youngest if Hannah age. It will be great for Cousins to play together. We wish to do lots more things with them.
Hannah is into everything. You can tell she is turning 2 soon. She climbs onto everything. I wonder how she got on that or in that. Then I wonder how she will get down. She has no fear. She will find a way. She jumped off the changing table and was fine. Now it is a daily thing to climb into Rya's crib and then up on the changing table and jump down. I am sure I will be in the hospital getting her stitches before long. I hope not. Hannah takes after her dad with the climbing. Blair did that a lot when he was a little kid. He now has scars to prove it.
I can understand everything Hannah says now. It is nice to be able to know what she is saying. She talks non stop. She is doing great with her vocabulary. Hannah was interested in the potty a month ago. now she wants nothing to do with it. Hopefully soon. Hannah loves her sister. she has to show her off to everyone everywhere we go. She is such a great mom. no one can get Rya to laugh like Hannah does. I will have to post a video soon.
As for me, I think my shingles are pretty much gone. It still hurts a little bit.
I have been running morning for 3 weeks now with my sister Rondi. It has been so nice. It is nice to get to know her more. We run 1.2 miles. We both push one of the girls. Hopefully I will be able to see the pregnant fat drop off my body.