Monday, February 18, 2008

Tag you're it

I was tagged to write about my hubby. This was a good reminder of how much I love him.
What is his name?Blair James Perry
How long have you been married?A year and 5 months
How long did you date?We dated for 3 months and were engaged for 3
How old is he?24
Who eats more?For sure Blair. I would hope not me.
Who said I love you first?I waited for Blair. Even if I knew I loved him. I waited for him to say it first.
Who is taller?Blair. It is fun to look up at him.
Who sings better?I would say me. Blair would say him
Whose temper is worse?For sure Blair. But it is getting better
Who does the laundry?I do. I would be scared for Blair to do it
Who does the dishes?Both of us. But I do them most of the time. Blair is cute and will do them once in awhile
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?I do. I love it
Who pays the bills?Blair does. He just took over
Who mows the lawn?We don’t have a lawn to mow
Who cooks dinner?Mostly me. But Blair does do dinner once in awhile
Who drives when you are together?Blair drives because he thinks my driving is scary
Who is more stubborn?Blair is so much more stubborn. When Blair has his mind set there is no changing it.
Whose parents do you see the most?Blair’s parents. They are always inviting us over.
Who proposed?For sure Blair. It would be weird for the girl to propose
Who has more friends?Blair. But his friends are my friends
Who has more siblings?Blair does. I have 6. Blair has 8
Who wears the pants in the family?Blair for sure does. I mean come on. Can you see me wearing them?
Now I tag all of you that read this. Do the same about your husband.

Friday, February 15, 2008


For Valentines I wanted to do something great for Blair. We didn't have any money to go out anywhere. I knew I wanted to do something great at home. I got steak and shrimp but there was one problem. I didn't know how to cook Steak. So I had to tell him I was doing dinner for him. But I never told him that I was setting the table to look great. As he walked in the door the lights were out and the candles were lighting up the place. We had a great dinner. In the middle of dinner Hannah woke up and finished eating with us. Here are some pictures of the table.
Valentines morning I came into the family room to find that Blair got me a highchair for Hannah. It was getting hard to feed her on my lap. In the Highchair was a teddy bear for Hannah. Hannah loves it. Here are some pictures of her using it for the first time. She loves to eat. As you can tell it is everywhere. I love the highchair. I love my husband. Thank you honey.

I love bath time

Hannah loves bath time. Ever time we get her undressed to get in the tub. She starts kicking her legs and smiling. She gets so excite. Hannah has a rubber duck that she love. She will put the head of the duck in her mouth and it will never leave the whole time she is in the tub. I think she loves to chew on the head because she is teething. It has got to feel good. She is the cutest.

To crawl or not to crawl

So Hannah wants to crawl so bad. Blair has been putting her on her knees and helping her along. She gets on her knees and rocks back and forth but she is not sure what to do from there. She just ends up getting back on her tummy. One of these days she will crawl. It will be so nice.