Friday, February 15, 2008


For Valentines I wanted to do something great for Blair. We didn't have any money to go out anywhere. I knew I wanted to do something great at home. I got steak and shrimp but there was one problem. I didn't know how to cook Steak. So I had to tell him I was doing dinner for him. But I never told him that I was setting the table to look great. As he walked in the door the lights were out and the candles were lighting up the place. We had a great dinner. In the middle of dinner Hannah woke up and finished eating with us. Here are some pictures of the table.
Valentines morning I came into the family room to find that Blair got me a highchair for Hannah. It was getting hard to feed her on my lap. In the Highchair was a teddy bear for Hannah. Hannah loves it. Here are some pictures of her using it for the first time. She loves to eat. As you can tell it is everywhere. I love the highchair. I love my husband. Thank you honey.


DA pages said...

Of course I remember you? How are you doing? You have such a cute little family now. Man it is crazy how life changes!

Megan said...

What a great gift for you and Hannah! And what a sweet gesture for Blair. How fun!

Amber said...

What an awesome Daddy Blair is!! So sweet. You did a great job doing Valentines dinner.

Life for the Pillings said...

Your table is set up so cute! I have came to realize that Valentines is best spent at home doing something special. It's way too crazy to go out anywhere. That is really sweet that Blair bought you and Hannah a high chair - those are definatley needed.

Rachel Chick said...

So sweet! Your little family is adorable! It's so fun to do something special on Valentine's to show your family how much you love them! I think too often Valentine's ends up just being about women, when in fact, it's such a fun time to show your husband and children how much you love them as well!

Your table is SO cute!