Hannah has found how great crayons are. While I was cooking dinner she took a crayon and colored on every door and wall. I love the Mr. clean magic erase sponge. It took it right off. She also had fun one day coloring all over my legs with a pen. It kept her busy so that is all that matters. I still can't believe she will be two on the 22nd. She is so big. I tried potty training a few weeks ago and she loved it for the first 5 times she went. She now wont go near it. Hopefully she wants to start again soon.
I was doing my hair one morning and I turned off the blow dryer and heard silence. I went into the family room to find that she poured her conditioner all over the family room carpet. She also took her bubble bath and poured about 2 cups all over the bathroom floor. It turned out to be a really really bubbly bath.
Hannah has a hard time going to bed. She will start at 8 and keeps coming out as soon as I shut the door. She finally goes to sleep between 10 and 11. It makes for really long days. I love this girl. even though it is hard work. She is such a joy. She loves life and loves her sister and her parents. We love her hugs and kisses.
Rya is also getting so big. She has two teeth. She is working on another one. I am thinking I will be done with nursing soon. She is starting to bit. She is always smiling at everyone she sees. She just had two really bad ear infections. It was not fun. She had a temperature one night of 102.9. It was a little scary. I was up all night with her trying to comfort her. She has also starting to sit up. It is great to sit her on the floor and just have her play. If she wants to get to the other side of the room she will just fall over and start rolling everywhere. Hopefully she will be crawling soon. AS soon as she does, Hannah will be all over her. Rya loves to wave at people. She gives the best kisses.
The 4th was my birthday and we had a blast. We went boating and had a BBQ and do smores. The next day we went to Blair's parents to celebrate. It was a great weekend.
Here are all the pictures that have been taken.
Hannah trying to put on a swim diaper. She loves swimming.