Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5 Months

Wow. Sorry it has been so long sense the last time I wrote. Time just flies by. Hannah is getting so big. She will be 6 months on the 22nd. I can't believe it. She has got two front teeth on the bottom. She has learned how roll over from her back to her stomach. She can't figure how to get back the other way. Once she gets on her stomach is can't figure out how to get to that toy that she wants. But she is picking it up really fast.
Hannah loves her food. She has cereal in the mornings, and she has a vegetables and fruit for lunch and dinner. She loves her food. I can't seem to give it to her fast enough. Her favorite food is Sweet Potatoes and corn, and she loves peaches. But Peaches are my favorite fruit. So she is like me.
Blair and I can't believe how big she is getting. She is go much fun to be with. She loves to talk. For New Years we went to my aunts. When we got home Hannah all of a sudden got a second high. She wouldn't stop talking and screaming. Blair tried to wear her out by playing with her. It wasn't working. We finally put her in her crib and just turned out all the lights. We could still hear her in her crib just talking away. She finally went to sleep around 1:30 in the morning. She is just a talker.
Blair is doing great with his job. He got transferred to another branch. he is now on 1st south and main. He was sad to be leaving the branch at trolley square. But hopefully this new branch will be good.
Blair and I got a calling in our ward. We are ward missionaries and we teach gospel principals class. It will be a great experience for both of us.
As for me I am still at home watching two kids. I love it because I am able to stay at home and be a mom. i am so lucky to have a husband that lets me do this. I am so grateful for him. I love him. He is such a great dad. He loves his family.
Well till next time. hopefully it wont be long. We love you all.
I am not able to put pictures on right now. But I will put another blog of pictures from our Christmas that was great. And a few that we have from Hannah.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hannah already has teeth! Isaac hasn't gotten any yet although he is definately teething! So I let him cry himself to sleep after I had fed and changed him and he slept for 4 hours then woke up. I let him cry himself back to sleep-it took 2 hours on and off! But this morning for his nap he cried for about 5 minutes and fell asleep for 3 hours. I hope it'll be easier for him tonight. We are going to come visit this summer;we'll have to get together!