Friday, August 15, 2008


So last week I was out on my deck and it sounded like there was running water running inside our brick wall. I have been seeing Wasps going in and out of there, so I thought they were in there flying around. I came inside and told Blair that he will need to spray them tonight. I was really freaked out when I went outside a few minutes later to find out that my neighbor told me she has been seeing Bats fly out of our deck. I couldn't believe it. We went outside that night and watched as these Bats flew out. I counted 26. I called a pest control guy the next day. He told me if I don't go on my deck they wont attack me. Well I kind of need my deck. He also said to wait till winter and they will fly South. When they do that is when I cover up the hole. I didn't like the idea of waiting for Winter. I called a few more people. Critter Control came out to look at them. He is going to wait till September 1st because that is when it will be legal to kill Bats. He gave us a bid of close to $3,000 to take care of them. That is so crazy. It is a good thing HOA covers all that. I told him that we have seen one that stuck to the wall. Blair thought it was funny to flick on the deck light to catch them flying away. The one we saw was Black with a White head. He told me that those kid of Bats are not nice. So they will attack me if I am in there way. I also told him that I thought there were 26 Bats. But the other night I counted 46 and I gave up. But I could still see them flying out. He told me that there were probably around 75 to 100. It is kind of cool to see them fly in and out at night. But it is not cool to have them living in your home. I don't go on my deck. When I do they hiss at me. So I try to stay inside unless there is something I really need in my shed. I will have to keep you updated on what happends. I would post pictures of them. But it is so dark that I have not been able to get a good shot of them.


Cherish said...

You counted over 46 bats? That is so scary. If your HOA wouldn't pay for it, I'm sure my husband would be happy too. J/k. Is there really like a season to be able to kill bats? That just blows me away.

Anyways, I wanted to tell you thanks for your nice comment. Of course you'll be invited to the shower!! I'd love to see you again. Hopefully I'll see you sooner though.

Sara : Confetti Sunshine said...

oh how scary... and kinda fun too. Think of the story you will get to tell hannah when she is older! i'm jk.. i would hate having bats living in my house. hopefully you can get it all fixed soon. I am sure you want to be able to enjoy your deck with the cooler evenings coming.

Amber said...

Ahh!! SCARY!! I hope you get it fixed soon.