Thursday, December 3, 2009
Potty trained
I think Rya will be picking it up so much sooner then Hannah did. Rya will already follow Hannah into the bathroom and sit on Hannah’s little toilet while Hannah is on the big toilet.
Hannah we are so proud of you. You are growing up.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
When Blair is home I lock the bedroom door so they can't come in while I am in the shower. It is nice to just be able to relax and enjoy being in the shower. I always wondered how the girls react to not being able to get in. well now I know.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Every year, the day after Thanksgiving, Blair's family goes up to the mountains and cuts down a Christmas tree. It will be so fun to take both girls this year. Last year I was not able to go. I just had Rya. Hannah went without us and had a blast.
We might have to decorate the tree from the middle, up. Rya loves to get into everything. We will see how she does. She wont go near it once one of the needles pokes her.
I am also making a cute advent calendar for Christmas. I will post my creation when I am done. It is looking so cute, I am so excited. It is taking a lot of work, but it is so fun to do. Everyone should make one.
Almost a year
She is always all over the place. She is into everything, and always puts things in her mouth. She is a very happy girl. She is always smiling.
Rya loves her dad. Whenever he comes home from work Rya will loose interest in everyone, and anything she is doing. She will want him to hold her and cuddle her. Rya can sit on Blair's lap the rest of the night and be as happy as can be.
Rya loves her bath's. She tries so hard to jump in,while she is watching me fill up the tub.
Rya has 8 teeth with one more coming in. She is getting so big. She loves to say mom, dad, duck.
Rya loves Hannah. As soon as Hannah wakes up for the morning, Rya's face lights up and she is off to play with Hannah. They play all day together. Sometimes Hannah is a little rough. But Rya will just laugh when Hannah is sitting on her head or rolling over on top of her. We remind Hannah to be nice.
Hannah is also such a good little mom. She will help me out with Rya whenever I need it. She tried to pick Rya up all the time.
they are such great friends.
I know it is a little late to post pictures of Halloween. We got a new camera but I don’t know how to load pictures, so I have to wait for Blair to do it.
Hannah loved Halloween. At first she didn’t understand why we had to dress up. After we started going from door to door and getting candy she was in heaven. She thought it was the greatest thing in the world that people were giving her candy. Hannah would run up to the door, say “Trick or Treat”, grab a handful or two of candy, say thank you and run back down. She would run towards Blair yelling, “Treat, Treat!!!!!” Then she was off to the next house. After a while she got tired of walking and her bucket was getting too heavy for her to carry. We went back to Grandma’s house and she dumped out the candy on the floor and started going through it all. She would have eaten the whole bag that night if we had let her. While at Grandma’s house, Hannah had to make sure she opened the door every time the door bell rang. (So did I. I love to see the kids in their cute costumes.)
Rya spent the night trick or treating from the stroller. She didn’t enjoy Halloween as much as Hannah did but there is next year. Both Hannah and Rya were dressed up as Hula dancers. Hannah already can’t wait to go next year. She still has candy left over but we use them as potty training treats.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pampered Chef
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Real Fast
I know I have been slacking in blogging. I have not really been interested in it. By the time I can actually sit down and blog, it is the last thing I want to do.
Hannah is getting to big. Everyday she is saying more and more words. She talks non-stop. She is such a girl. We can never leave the house without a baby. She is always walking around the house in my shoes and a purse over her shoulder. If I am putting on make-up, Hannah is right by me doing the same. Potty training is going ok. Some days she is potty trained, and sometimes she is not. she goes on her own time and you can't tell her otherwise.
Rya is also growing so fast. Rya loves Hannah so much. Whenever Hannah is sleeping she is never happy. She crawls to the room and knocks on the door until Hannah wakes up. She lights up every time she sees Hannah. Rya wants to walk so bad. She now stands on her own. She has taken one step. Rya also loves to copycat everything Hannah does. She follows Hannah around the house all day. Hannah is such a great little mommy. But sometimes Hannah can also be so mean to Rya. I am excited to see them grow up and be best friends.
Blair got a job as a service manager. He loves it. It is so nice to have him moved up in his job. Blair says it is a little weird that now he is the boss.
As for me nothing as been going on. I take care of two kids and love it. It is hard work but I wouldn't ask for anything else. This morning I was getting dinner into a crock pot and I was slicing a onion. I sliced the tip of my finger off. It is sore and is bleeding really bad. That is the highlight of my life. I have been thinking that with winter coming my kids can't go outside as much. It would be fun to get a group of friends together and once a week do a play date and someones house. If anyone is interested and lives close by. Let me know.
We have our house up for sale again. I hope this time it can sell. It would be so nice to get into a bigger place with more room for everyone. If you know of any one that is looking for a Condo that has granite throughout and tile floors. Everything is 2 years old. Let me know.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
After the Farm we went back to live at Perry's. A week later we went to the Perry's Cabin at Bear Lake. We were at the cabin for 5 days. We had a lot of fun. I drove up with Blair's sisters, Nancy and Kath. I also took my girls as well as Liberty, Hannah's cousin. Bear Lake is a 2 1/2 hour drive. It took us 5 hours with all of the pit stops we had to make. When we stopped for Liberty we had to stop for Rya also.
We went Boating and just had fun at Bear Lake. It was not very warm. It never got warmer than 70. Friday night we had a really big storm. Blair and his brother went to go take the boat out of the water. They were in waves with 10 to 12 foot swells. If you don't believe me Blair will tell you all about it.
Before we headed up to go boating Hannah ran a fever of 103.7. We took her to the doctor. She had two ear infections. It was so sad to watch her just lay and do nothing all day. After her ear infection went away she got 5 canker sores in her mouth. She screamed every time she would eat or drink anything.
After Bear Lake we were finally able to go home. My uncle Cameron got us a great deal on an A/C unit. I cannot thank him enough. It is nice to be home and to get back in a routine of things. I don't want to vacation for a while.
While we were gone Rya got 2 more teeth. She now has 4. She also started crawling. She moves all over the place. She is standing up and walking along furniture. Hannah is not liking that she can move. She thinks that now she can beat up on her and push her over. She tries to ride her like a horse. Hannah has been getting a lot of time outs.
Saturday I started potty training Hannah. she is doing really well. She is loving it. She will come to me and tell me she has to go. We have only had 2 accidents since Saturday. Hopefully she keeps it up. I will have to post pictures of our time away from home.
I also forgot. At the farm we picked some Apricots. I have been able to make homemade freezer Jam and some fruit leather. The girls love the fruit leather.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Long post
Hannah has found how great crayons are. While I was cooking dinner she took a crayon and colored on every door and wall. I love the Mr. clean magic erase sponge. It took it right off. She also had fun one day coloring all over my legs with a pen. It kept her busy so that is all that matters. I still can't believe she will be two on the 22nd. She is so big. I tried potty training a few weeks ago and she loved it for the first 5 times she went. She now wont go near it. Hopefully she wants to start again soon.
I was doing my hair one morning and I turned off the blow dryer and heard silence. I went into the family room to find that she poured her conditioner all over the family room carpet. She also took her bubble bath and poured about 2 cups all over the bathroom floor. It turned out to be a really really bubbly bath.
Hannah has a hard time going to bed. She will start at 8 and keeps coming out as soon as I shut the door. She finally goes to sleep between 10 and 11. It makes for really long days. I love this girl. even though it is hard work. She is such a joy. She loves life and loves her sister and her parents. We love her hugs and kisses.
Rya is also getting so big. She has two teeth. She is working on another one. I am thinking I will be done with nursing soon. She is starting to bit. She is always smiling at everyone she sees. She just had two really bad ear infections. It was not fun. She had a temperature one night of 102.9. It was a little scary. I was up all night with her trying to comfort her. She has also starting to sit up. It is great to sit her on the floor and just have her play. If she wants to get to the other side of the room she will just fall over and start rolling everywhere. Hopefully she will be crawling soon. AS soon as she does, Hannah will be all over her. Rya loves to wave at people. She gives the best kisses.
The 4th was my birthday and we had a blast. We went boating and had a BBQ and do smores. The next day we went to Blair's parents to celebrate. It was a great weekend.
Here are all the pictures that have been taken.
Hannah trying to put on a swim diaper. She loves swimming.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Rya is no longer in therapy. Her head is looking great. She can move from side to side. The therapist said it was keeping her from sitting up and rolling over. Now that she is perfect hopefully she will now be able to roll and sit. I was looking in Hannah baby book. When she was 5 months old she was rolling over both ways, sitting up and she got her first tooth. Rya is doing none of those. She is teething. We will see if a tooth comes soon.
My mother-in-law watched my girls two weeks ago. It was so great because she got Rya to sleep on her stomach. Rya now sleeps amazing. She goes down great and I am getting more sleep at night. Thank you Sue. She knows what she is doing. She had 8 kids.
Blair applied for a service manager job last week. We will find out this week if he gets it. We are really praying he does. It would be great to finally see a close to his second job.
Blair and I are hoping to be taking a trip with his brothers family. We are hoping to go to Hawaii. We love being with his brothers family. They have two BEAUTIFUL girls. The youngest if Hannah age. It will be great for Cousins to play together. We wish to do lots more things with them.
Hannah is into everything. You can tell she is turning 2 soon. She climbs onto everything. I wonder how she got on that or in that. Then I wonder how she will get down. She has no fear. She will find a way. She jumped off the changing table and was fine. Now it is a daily thing to climb into Rya's crib and then up on the changing table and jump down. I am sure I will be in the hospital getting her stitches before long. I hope not. Hannah takes after her dad with the climbing. Blair did that a lot when he was a little kid. He now has scars to prove it.
I can understand everything Hannah says now. It is nice to be able to know what she is saying. She talks non stop. She is doing great with her vocabulary. Hannah was interested in the potty a month ago. now she wants nothing to do with it. Hopefully soon. Hannah loves her sister. she has to show her off to everyone everywhere we go. She is such a great mom. no one can get Rya to laugh like Hannah does. I will have to post a video soon.
As for me, I think my shingles are pretty much gone. It still hurts a little bit.
I have been running morning for 3 weeks now with my sister Rondi. It has been so nice. It is nice to get to know her more. We run 1.2 miles. We both push one of the girls. Hopefully I will be able to see the pregnant fat drop off my body.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Bad Luck
My aunt Debbie told me it looked like Shingles. I went to the doctor, she was right. It is Shingles. Blair looked up on the internet and found that only .01% of people my age get Shingles. I guess I am lucky. :) I started taking medication for it that night. At around 10:00 p.m. All of a sudden I felt so sick. I thought it might be just the medication doing funny things. I went to bed. I woke up not being able to move. I told Blair he had to stay home and take care of all of us. I couldn't pick up our kids. I felt better the next day, but I think I over did it. The next day I felt so sick again. I decided to go to the doctor. I then found out I have Strep Throat. How did I get so lucky to get Shingles and Strep in the same week? I am now feeling like myself. What a bad week. :(
We have been up to so much lately. Well not really. It is nice to have some warmth. We have been to the park, foo0000tball games. Monday we went swimming. It was so much fun. Hannah and Rya loved going. Rya kept kicking her feet and splashing her hands in the pool. She loved the water. Hannah couldn't get enough. She would keep jumping off the side into Blair's arms. Even though her lips were purple and she had goose bumbs all over, she didn't want to go home. We will have to go back soon.
Our Easter was great. Hannah woke up to find the Easter Bunny left candy all over the floor. It was so cute to watch her walk out and see it. She fell to her knees and started shoveling candy into her mouth. We have her on video saying "JACKPOT". I don't know where she picked that word up. We have never heard her say it again. But it was very funny.
Rya is getting so big. She still will not sleep all night. She wakes up about every hour or two hours. I have tried to just let her cry herself back to sleep but she is stubborn. She cried for two hours. When I finally gave up and picked her up she was out. Maybe she is still too little. What do you think? Rya is always happy and smiley. She can almost roll over. She is so chubby, I love it. Hannah and Rya love each other so much. They are always smiling and laughing at each other. Rya takes a lot of beating and still loves her big sister.
Hannah is also getting so big. I can't believe how tall she is. She is saying so many words. I can pretty much understand everything she says. She loves to say the words stuck and NO. Oh yeah and mom. I have learned to hate the word mom. She loves to say NO to everything. She can't count to three. I will start counting to three before she gets in trouble. She will start counting with me. I just start laughing. For a while she was so interested in going potty in the toilet. She has given that up. We will try again soon.
Here are some pictures we have taken.