Thursday, July 1, 2010

so long

Sorry it has been a really long time. So much has been going on.
*I got surgery on my shoulder. It turns out it was a tumor. It has been a hard recovery. Very painful. I am not in Physical Therapy and doing pretty good. It still kills me to lift anything above 5 pounds. But the pain that was there before the surgery is gone. I am grateful for that.
*We went to Hawaii for a week. That was so much fun. While we were there we sold our Condo. Whaoo!!! It has been up for over a year. It is about time it sold.
* With us selling our condo we moved into my parents house till the end of August. After the end of August we will find a place to rent till the end of 2011. Blair will then be done traveling around and he can apply for a job anywhere in the united states. Wherever he gets a job that is where we will move to.
* Blair is loving his new job. He says he feels like he is always on a vacation. They treat him so well. It is hard with him gone. But it will open up so many doors for him.
* Hannah will be turning 3 this month. I can't believe I will have a 3 year old. What a road it has been. She is growing up so fast. She has such an amazing memory. I better get her learning so many things while she still wants to.
* Rya will be 2 in November. She is learning so much because she gets to watch Hannah all day.
* Blair has lost 100+ pounds. I have lost 38. It is nice to have us both looking better
Here are some pictures of things that have been taken recently.


Life for the Pillings said...

Chels! I am so glad you updated! Sounds like you two have been really busy! Glad to hear that your arm is doing better. Also congratulations on the weight loss! That is incredible! Congratulations on the sale of your condo too! That's has to be a hugh sigh of relief after having it listed for so long. Well I could keep going, but I guess I will talk to you this weekend out at the farm! Glad to hear things are going well!

Rachel Chick said...

Hooray for the updatey! It's so nice to hear what's been going on with you. You all look happy and wonderful. What a trooper you are, dealing with having Blair gone all the time! Holy smokes! I wish that I got to see you this weekend, but I just don't think that we're going to make it. :( Every year we just run and run and run and I just don't think I can do it this summer. We've really got to have some time just at home too . . . sad. I hope to make it down sometime in the next month and a half and we'll have to make a trip to the zoo together or something! Love you! Have fun!!!

Amber said...

So good to hear from you! I hope your arm continues to heal and hopefully a little quicker. I don't know how you do it with your hubby gone! You are amazing!

wuxiheather said...

I miss you! We need to get together. I cannot believe all that about your shoulder. I am glad it was not cancerous though. We're going out of town for a week but we'll be back next week so you should call me and we can plan to get together! Let me know when you're free!

Liz said...

Wow! So much going on with you guys. I'm crossing my fingers you move to Texas and we'll hang out ;)

Garret said...

Hey, Chels!

I hope the trip is going great! I already miss your kids. They are so cute!

We love you guys!

Love Garret and Jocelyn