Friday, July 11, 2008

Such a sweet brother

Last week was my birthday. My sister Wrote me a text and told me happy birthday. My mom called me so say happy birthday. While I was on the phone with my mom my two brothers, Luke and Garret sang me Happy birthday in Russian and Spanish. The one person I thought would of called or text ed would of been Jesse. I didn't think anything else of it. My dad ended up calling me two days after my birthday and Jesse ended up calling me last night. He felt so bad. I told him it was ok. I really was not hurt by it. Well today My brother came to my house and he walks in with a dozen flowers. It was so sweet of him. I told him thank you and I loved them. What a sweet brother I have. Jesse is so kind to everyone. He has such a soft heart. He is the best brother and friend anyone could ask for. I love you Jesse. Thank you so much.


Heather Harbaugh said...

They don't get much sweeter than that! I hope you had a wonderful birthday...and yes...Jesse is so sweet!

Amber said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Jesse is awesome!