Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Such a girl

Hannah put this bag around her waist and walked with it between her legs. Hannah thought it was so much fun. I am sure as soon as she figures out how to put a purse on her shoulder she will be hauling it around everywhere.


Cam said...

All of these pics are so cute!! I think my favorite is when she is sleeping with her legs in the air...I love it! Cute background :)

LBP said...

I love all these new pictures. She is growing up so fast. Love them.

M+H said...

The kids are really looking forward to swimming at my mom's house specifically because of all the toys, the diving board, and the hot tub so I better not dissapoint. But we really really do need to plan a time that we can get together and chat and catch up. I miss you tons!

Sara : Confetti Sunshine said...

oh what a little girl! she is just too cute... and i can't believe she is walking! it has been way to long since we've seen you!

Robyn said...

Chels-She is so adorable! I haven't been blogging lately, so I'm a little behind. Love all your many updated posts. Hannah is growing up way to fast! She'll be playing dress ups and putting on make-up before you know it!