Monday, October 13, 2008


Last Tuesday we carved pumpkins. Hannah was not sure what to think of them. She tried to eat the pumpkins. She didn't like the taste but she still kept tasting it. Blair tried to put the pumpkin on her head. She was not sure of that either. The only thing she loved out of the whole thing was turning out the lights and seeing them glow. Every time we are outside she has to show everyone who walks by the pumpkins. She is so cute. Hannah has been saying a few words all the time. She will point to everything and ask "What's that"? It is so cute. The other words she says are a hit and a miss. If you don't hear the word she wont say it again. She loves to look at pictures of Jesus. She will point to him all the time and say his name. It is really cute that she knows who it is. We have never told her who he was. It is amazing to me.



wuxiheather said...

Those pictures are so adorable! I especially love the pictures of the Jack-o-lanters lit up. Those pictures are really neat. I also love you previous post about Hannah never wearing clothes. I actually was wondering if she ever wears clothes. However I was not bothered by it. I just thought it was funny! :) Love ya!

Robyn said...

Looks like you all had a great time. What did you do with the seeds? That is my favorite part about Halloween...eating Cameron's seeds.

Wendie said...

Hannah is so cute and it looks like you had a fun evening. I love your granite tabletop; it's really pretty.

Amber said...

I can see why she is not sure what to think of pumpkins when she gets one put on her head. LOL! Looks like a fun time!