Sunday, June 15, 2008

No more

Tuesday night was a long night for me. Hannah just kept waking up screaming because she wanted a bottle. Well I knew she didn't need one. I went in to give her her Binky. She was so mad because it was not what she wanted. So she took it out of her mouth and chucked it across the room. I couldn't believe the attitude. So I turned on the light. This was at 2 in the morning. She was mad that I turned on the light. I gave her the Binky back and turned the light off again. She chucked it again and then started screaming a blood curdling scream. I had it. I shut the door and let her scream. The next morning the bottle was gone. I was not going to have a kid act like that for a bottle. She has not had a bottle sense Tuesday night. Wednesday was a hard night. She decided she was going to scream from 3-7 till she got a bottle. I was not giving in. She finally went to sleep and she has not asked for a bottle sense. Right before bed I give her a glass of milk and that is it. She goes to bed and she has slept through the night ever sense. It is a great thing. But I am proud of my self for getting rid of the bottle at 10 months. YEAH ME!!!


Heather Harbaugh said...

hey thanks for letting me hold Hannah at church today. She was so entertaining!

Sara : Confetti Sunshine said...

wow... we'll see if i will be able to do that when the time comes! but great job... it has to happen at some point.

Colleen said...

good job! way to hold strong. i'm sure it is so frustrating but you know what is best for her. keep up the great work.

Amber said...

Hurray for sleep!!!

Life for the Pillings said...

Way to go!!! I'm so proud of you - because I know how hard and annoying nights like that can be! Now is the best time - the older they are the harder it is to get rid of bad habits like that. Hurray for you!!!